8008: The written numeral 8008 is both a palindrome and a strobogrammatic number (the same upside-down), and also has both vertical. and horizontal axes of symmetry. Quite elegant! (Brock)
8012: Sanu Sherpa has become the first climber in the world to summit the planet's 14 highest mountains, not once, but twice. It started in 2006, when he became a mountaineer after successfully climbing Cho Oyu (8012 metres) on his first attempt. (Brock)
8017: The Torre de Comares is the highest tower in the Alhambra. The ceiling has 8017 separate pieces of wood in 7 concentric circles with superimposed cedar-wood adornments crowned by central mocarabe boss. (bemahan)
8023: Wales has a total area of 8,023 square miles [...an area the size of Wales! - Ed.]. (Big Martin)
8026: Last month Loughborough University won its 41st consecutive title at British Universities and Colleges Sport, with a record total score of 8026 points. It's a wonder that the other universities bother to turn up. (Brock)
8034: Starting from Port of Menteith at its northern end, the B8034 skirts the eastern edge of the Lake of Menteith, often referred to as "Scotland's only natural Lake" (rather than Loch). It continues south for about five miles, across the old stone-arch Cardross Bridge, to the A811 at Arnprior. (Brock)
8043: The City of London has a resident population of 8,043 people. That's the "square mile" figure. (Big Martin)
8046: The longest railway freight route in the world is the Yiwu-Madrid line, which is 8046 miles long. (Brock)
8063: At the time of the 2016 census, Kangaroo Point in Queensland had a population of 8,063 people. (Big Martin)
8068: What's the safest 4-digit PIN? No one knows, but it was once 8068. In 2012 a group of researchers at Data Genetics reportedly went through 3.4 million PINs and discovered that the least common was 8068, which came up only 25 times. They then published their results, which of course meant that 8068 was no longer the safest PIN. Possibly the most counter-productive piece of research in history. (In fact they didn't get hold of 3.4 million actual PINs. Instead, they used data from released/exposed/discovered password tables and security breaches, and filtered the results to those that consisted of exactly four digits.) (Brock)
8080: The Intel 8080 was the second 8-bit microprocessor designed and manufactured by Intel, first appearing in April 1974. Proving that astronomers have a sense of humour, there is a minor planet called 8080 Intel. (Brock)
8104: There are 8104 circles on this drawing of The Fire Bird by Robert Joseph Moreau. (The artist counted them as he drew them.) (Brock)
8113: The Crypt of Civilization is an impenetrable airtight chamber, built between 1937 and 1940 at the Oglethorpe University in Georgia that is not meant to be opened before 8113 AD. (Big Martin)
8128: A real rarity now: 8128 is the 4th perfect number (after 6, 28 and 496). Perfect numbers were known to the ancient Greeks. A number is defined as perfect if it's equal to the sum of its positive divisors, including 1 but excluding the number itself:The next perfect number is 33,550,336, so it's safe to say we won't see another one in the list! (Brock)
8128 = 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 + 64 + 127 + 254 + 508 + 1016 + 2032 + 4064
8130: Sherry Groom of Alliance, Ohio, is a record-breaking collector of troll figurines. As of September 2018 there were 8130 unique trolls in her collection, now displayed in the "Troll Hole" Museum. (Brock)
8133: The record for the longest rollercoaster is held by Steel Dragon 2000 in Nagashima Spa Land which is 8,133 feet and 2 inches long. (Big Martin)
8134: In 2020 Clyst St Mary Primary School in Devon embarked on a virtual fundraising journey called "Clyst to Cape". The aim was to raise £8134 for charity, by recording how far everyone was running, cycling or walking until they covered 8134 miles, the distance from Clyst St Mary to Cape Town in South Africa. (They covered the whole distance but in the end only raised £2624.) (Brock)
8145: Another deepest fish claim is for a type of snailfish with wing-like fins at 8,145 metres discovered in 2014. (Big Martin)
8150: The Book of Genesis does not mention the height of the Tower of Babel. However the Book of Jubilees, an ancient Jewish religious work, puts its height at 5433 cubits and 2 palms, which equates to 8150 feet. (Brock)
8164: Every pair of consecutive digits in 8164 forms a perfect square (81, 16 and 64). The only higher number with this property is 81649. (Brock)
8176: 8176 appears as "glib" on an upside-down calculator (seven-segment display). (Brock)
8197: Apparently, the meaning of the Unicode Han character U+8197 is "ugly and fat, too fat to move". (Big Martin)
8198: In April 1945 the U.S. Third Army captured the village of Merkers, 200 miles south of Berlin, where the Nazis had hidden most of their stolen treasure in a potassium mine. They found 8198 bars of gold bullion in the mine along with gold coins, silver bars, and paper money. The total value (in 1945 dollars) was estimated to be over $520 million. (Brock)
8208: 8208 is a (base-10) narcissistic number. A narcissistic (or Armstrong) n-digit number is one that's equal to the sum of the nth powers of its digits. In this case n = 4, so 8208 = 84 + 24 + 04 + 84. See original post for a bonus Simpsons fact. (Brock)
8219: In his last competitive throw before retirement, Jan Zelezny's javelin travelled 82.19 metres. (Big Martin)
8229: The first, self-titled, album by Crosby, Stills and Nash was released in 1969 by Atlantic with the catalogue number SD 8229. (Big Martin)
8239: The World's largest Time Warp dance involved 8,239 participants in West Hollywood, California for Halloween 2010. (Big Martin)
8259: The total length between abutments of the Forth Road Bridge is 8,259 feet. (Big Martin)
8266: There are 8266 tilings of a 3 x 10 rectangle with 10 trominoes. (A tromino is a shape made of three connected squares joined edge to edge. There are two types, one rectangular and one in an L-shape.) (Brock)
8304: Elon Musk travelled 8304 miles by private jet during his first week at Twitter. (Brock)
8305: UK Government certificate 8305 is required to export processed pet food to the EU. (Big Martin)
8312: According to the Urban Dictionary, 8312 means "I miss you"; 8 letters, 3 words, 1 meaning, 2nd version. (What was the first version?) (Brock)
8316: 8316 has a factorization which, when written backwards, gives you a different factorization of the same number:(Brock)
8316 = 11 x 12 x 63 8316 = 36 x 21 x 11
8322: In December 2010, 8322 rugby fans at Munster's stadium of Thomond Park broke the world record for the greatest number of people wearing Santa hats. (Brock)
8328: 0131 225 8328 is the phone number of Greyfriars Bobby's Bar in Candlemaker Row, Edinburgh. The pub, next to Greyfriars Kirkyard, is named after the legendary dog Greyfriars Bobby, who is said to have faithfully watched over his owner's grave every night for fourteen years until he was buried next to his master.(Brock)
8343: Maja Tat in the Accursed Mountains range in Albania has an elevation of 8,343 feet. (Big Martin)
8355: The 8355 Method is a way of solving Rubik's Cube. (Big Martin)
8363: Following the famous 1980 eruption, the elevation of Mount St. Helens was reduced from 9,677 feet to 8,363 feet. (Big Martin)
8368: Roud folk song number 8368 is the American drinking song "The Ballad of Lydia Pinkham", which formed the basis for the Scaffold's 1968 hit "Lily the Pink". (Brock)
8374: In 1802 France held a referendum ratifying the new constitution, which made Napoleon Bonaparte First Consul for life. The result was 3,568,885 votes in favour and only 8374 votes (0.24%) against. Nearly half the eligible voters abstained. (Brock)
8387: 8387 is a street number on the Rabbit Proof Fence Road, in Western Australia. (Awitt)
8393: At 180 lines, the Laudatio Turiae (ILS 8393) is currently the longest surviving personal inscription from Classical Rome. It is a tombstone engraved with a carved epitaph that is a husband's eulogy of his wife. (ILS numbers refer to the Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae, a three-volume selection of Latin inscriptions published from 1892 to 1916.) (Brock)
8404: In 2020, 8,404 people crossed the English Channel in small boats. This year the figure has exceeded 40,000. (Big Martin)
8418: Ariana Grande has "8418" tattooed on her foot. (Big Martin)
8424: The 8424 watermelon, also known as the Zaojia watermelon, is claimed to be "the king of the watermelons". (Big Martin)
8426: Recently a Bar Tailed Godwit set the world record for a non-stop migration flight of 8,426 miles from Alaska to Tasmania. (Big Martin)
8455: In 2000, there were 8455 grains of pollen per cubic metre in the United States. It is estimated that by 2040, this number will bypass 21,000 grains per cubic metre. (Brock)
8461: As of the beginning of 2020, there were 8461 bison in the world, according to the European Bison Pedigree Book. (Brock)
8465: In 1904, there were 8465 motor cars in use in the whole of Great Britain. (Brock)
8470: Makalu 8470 Metres: The Highest Peak Yet Conquered By An Entire Team is a book be Jean Franco about the 1955 climbing of the mountain by a French team. These days, Makalu is actually reckoned to be 8481 metres high. (Big Martin)
8479: Over the entire celestial sphere there are 8479 stars within magnitude limit 6.5, often said to be the average naked eye limit. (Brock)
8485: 8485 cases of gout were diagnosed in the Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire area during the year to March 2022. (Brock)
8495: Letter beacons are radio transmissions of uncertain origin and unknown purpose, consisting of only a single repeating Morse code letter. A group of them has been reported around the frequency of 8495 kHz. (Brock)
8507: In 1961 8,507 people fled over the border from East Germany to West Germany. (Big Martin)
8510: The sum of the first 8510 primes is 352888253, which is a palindrome (see also OEIS). (Brock)
8513: Asian Paints shade 8513 is apparently "like a mermaid’s tail, glistening and fantastical, a fairy tale shade of blue-green, seawater and moonlit sky, merging, blending, melding, to create a wondrous shade, endless blue and endless green. Concentrated and full toned, a colour that will captivate and fill your senses." Donner-indeed-knispel! (AlmondFacialBar)
8528: Should you choose to insert QRS word roll 8528 into a pianola, it'll play you the Huckle Buck. (AlmondFacialBar)
8539: The 8539 equal temperament divides the octave into 8539 equal parts of 0.1405 cents each, an interval known as a "tina". That's far too small for the human ear to perceive, but it's been proposed as a bookkeeping device to keep track of larger intervals. (Brock)
8553: The Kremsbruecke Pressingberg is the longest bridge in Austria at 8,553 feet long. (Big Martin)
8558: A study by Yamagata University in Japan of 20,969 people above the age of 40, consisting of 8558 men and 12,411 women, concluded that men who lack interest in sex are at risk of early death. Oh well, that's me heading for an early grave then... (Brock)
8563: 8563: One Story, Four Endings is a mystery book targeted at kids between 10 and 13. It was nominated for the Peek-a-book Children's Choice Award in 2018. (AlmondFacialBar)
8573: According to the ethnic heritage section of the 2000 US Federal Census, 50% of residents of Thief River Falls, Minnesota identify themselves as Norwegian-American, making Thief River Falls one of the most ethnically concentrated towns in the nation. Its total population at the 2010 census was 8573. (Brock)
8612: 8612 is the number of a prisoner in the Stanford prisoner experiment. It's generally considered to be one of the most unethical psychology experiments in history - volunteers were randomly assigned to be either prisoners or guards to see how they behaved. After 36 hours, so-called "Prisoner 8612" was released after an apparent mental breakdown (though he later suggested that he might have simulated it). The experiment was ended early after six days. (Awitt/Brock)
8620: A survey of 8620 people, carried out in 2022 at the University of California, Davis, found that one in five adults in the US believe that political violence is now justified in some circumstances. (Brock)
8627: Should you wish to breed Angus cows and save yourself the hassle of actually getting an Angus bull for the job, you can order semen from the bull SydGen Liberty GA 8627, at $8.00 a squirt. (AlmondFacialBar)
8630: There are 8630 cannabis farms in Oklahoma. (Brock)
8632: 8632 square miles of Tasmania are covered by water. (Brock)
8645: According to Urban Dictionary displaying the number 8645 is supposed to indicate opposition to Donald Trump. (Big Martin)
8658: In November 2022 Turkish TV cult preacher Adnan Oktar was sentenced to 8,658 years in prison. (Big Martin)
8661: The Church of the SubGenius is a parody religion in the US that satirizes better-known belief systems. In July 1998 they held an event to celebrate the coming of aliens; when they didn't turn up, the leader (the Rev. Ivan Stang) speculated that they might arrive in 8661, which is 1998 turned upside-down. (Brock)
8665: There are 8665 notes in the piece A+: A "Precise" Prelude and An "Excellent" March by Thomas Duffy. The March is a simple little commencement-like processional which is repeated. The ensemble players are instructed to make one mistake in the repetition - a mistake of pitch or dynamic or rhythm or articulation. (Brock)
8693: In 2011 there were 8693 romance scams in Japan. (Brock)
8695: Melissa Doi, who died in the September 11 attacks in 2001, is known for the recording of the 911 call she made during her final few minutes while the South Tower was engulfed in flames, which was answered by NYPD Dispatcher 8695. The recording was used during the prosecution of Zacarias Moussaoui, the only criminal trial to result from the attacks. Only the first four minutes of the 24-minute call were released by the courts, and the extract can be heard here. (Brock)
8712: A female grey wolf tagged in Oregon as OR-54 clocked up a minimum 8712 miles of wanderings between January 2018 and December 2019. She's thought to have looked for a mate. (AlmondFacialBar)
8727: The North American Moth Photographers Group listing 8727 is Parallelia bistrialis, the Maple Looper. (Big Martin)
8732: 8732 is a former clothing brand by the rapper Young Jeezy. It's the alphanumeric keypad encoding of "USDA", which in turn stands for "United Street Dopeboys of America", and is meant to examine the roots of hiphop by embodying the spirit of the urban street hustler. The brand was originally called USDA, but had to be renamed because the US Department of Agriculture got there first and trademarked the acronym. (AlmondFacialBar)
8736: 28736 ends in the digits 8736. (Brock)
8749: Minor planet 8749 is called Beatles after the group. (Big Martin)
8760: There are 8760 hours in a year (except leap years). Source: a calculator. (Brock)
8780: A 2022 survey of 8,780 people concluded that smokers become lonelier than non-smokers as they get older. (Big Martin)
8787: 87.87. is the usual notation to indicate the metre of a hymn such as Love Divine, All Loves Excelling. It refers to the fact that each stanza has a line of eight syllables, then seven, then eight, then seven (usually in trochaic metre). (Brock)
8789: Lucy, the guitar given to George Harrison by Eric Clapton in 1968, had the serial number 7-8789. (Brock)
8801: The KZED 8801 is a forehead thermometer. (Big Martin)
8804: Au in the Swiss canton of Zürich has the postcode 8804, and thus is shorter than its postcode. (Brock)
8816: The IUCN Red List currently brings up 8816 species as Near Threatened. Among them are Bilbo's rain frog (Breviceps bagginsi), the Hasenpusch Family Stick-insect (Parapodacanthus hasenpuschorum), Imperial Mushroom (Catathelasma imperiale), Dupain's Bolete (Rubroboletus dupainii), Mountain Masdevallia (Masdevallia oreas), and, quite terribly, Deh a Mbine (Coffea montekupensis). (AlmondFacialBar)
8824: From the top of Talking Mountain in the Lake Tahoe area at 8,824 feet you can ski down over the Echo Lakes if they are frozen enough. (Big Martin)
8830: The world's highest weather station was installed 8,830 metres up Mount Everest in 2022. (Big Martin)
8833: 8833 = 882 + 332. Very neat! (Brock)
8841: Should you wish to compact medium ground coffee into a 1 cm3 cube, you'll need precisely 8841 grains of it. Assuming a perfect grinder with an evenly sized result that is. (AlmondFacialBar)
8848: For many years the height of Everest was often given as 8848 metres, but in 2020 Nepal and China officially agreed that the height of Mount Everest is 8848.86 metres. (Brock)
8858: The Queensferry Crossing over the Forth is 8,858 feet long. (Big Martin)
8866: It was announced at the end of last year the an oil well in the Sichuan Basin in China broke the record for a vertical well, with a depth of 8,866 metres. (Big Martin)
8883: If you want to search for romantic movies on Netflix, you'll need the "secret code" 8883. (Not sure what's so secret about it!) (Brock)
8894: There are 8894 self-avoiding walks of 15 steps on a Manhattan square lattice. "Self-avoiding" means that the route doesn't visit the same point twice. A "Manhattan lattice" is a network made up of alternating one-way "streets" and "avenues" similar to the Manhattan area of New York City, looking like this. As an illustration, here are the 14 self-avoiding walks of 4 steps. (Brock)
8901: At the time of the Argentinian invasion in 1982, the Falkland Islands were defended by Naval Party 8901, a small group lightly armed with small arms, machine guns and a few mortars and anti-tank weapons. There were about 43 men in each division, but as it happened the invasion took place around the time of the annual changeover, so there were actually two detachments on the islands at the time. (Brock)
8933: The second most-edited Wikipedia page of 2016 was the one on Donald Trump, with 8933 edits. It was beaten only by "Deaths in 2016" (18,230 edits). (Brock)
8954: 8954 Eureka Lock Road is an old corn crib listed by the Wisconsin Historical Society. (Big Martin)
8955: The civil rights activist Rosa Parks was honoured in December 2019 with a plaque inside San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency bus 8955. (Brock)
8962: The World Record for the most people making snow angels simultaneously was set at the State Capitol Grounds in Bismarck, North Dakota on February 17th 2007 by 8,962 people. (Big Martin)
8973: In 2018, a man called William Taylor posted a video to YouTube claiming that he had visited the year 8973 and seen "something horrifying". At the time of writing, I'm not entirely sure what it was! (Brock)
8980: 8980 is a song by Gabriel Kahane inspired by a journey of that many miles across the USA. (Big Martin)
8990: Minor planet 8990 was named Compassion to honour the victims of the 9/11 attacks. (Brock)
8999: In 2018 Tatachem Dav Public School in India set a record for writing 8,999 slogans for a save birds campaign in 2 hours. (Big Martin)
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